
[Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery] surgical method of re-surgery for rhinoplasty

Surgical method of re-surgery for rhinoplasty

1. Nose is deviated
Space where should put implant is biased, or implant is not made according to bridge of nose, and then implant is biased, and bridge of nose looks deviated.
*method for treatment: after removing implant, Dr Makes both space which for implant same, and make implant according to shape of bridge. Also, if Dr fixes septal cartilage, then implant does not move and deviated.

2. Implant is moving
This is because implant does not position right under periosteum, or periosteum is torn during surgery, and cannot support inserted implant.
*method for treatment: the former can correct easily by reposition implant right under periosteum, but if periosteum is torn, change implant as Gore-tax.

3. Tip of nose is changed by implant.
If implant position tip of nose, tip cartilage is pressured and changed, skin becomes red and thin, and implant is visible, and if it is serious, it can be bulged outside.
*method for treatment: Dr removes implant and reconstructs changed cartilage according to tip of nose. If it is needed, it can correct by removing scar.

4. Construction
After surgery, inflammation is occurred, but if one just leaves it, scar will formed inside nose and inside of nose is stiff and contracted, and this is construction.
If it is serious, nose becomes short and stiff.

5. Bridge of nose is overly high
Wide nose looks low, so if Dr does not use osteotomy, but use implant, nose looks wide and fierce.
Also, if Dr does not remove hooked part, but hide it by implant, nose looks overly high and fierce.
*method for treatment: after interpreting reason, Dr can remove hooked part, and insert implant according to height of nose, as for wide nose, Dr gather up nose by osteotomy, and can get sharp and high nose without implant.

6. Width of nose is narrow
Ideal and natural width of nose for men is 13mm, but as for women is 10mm. therefore, if width of bridge of nose is narrow, it looks artificial, and tip of nose looks blunt relatively.
*method for treatment: can correct it by inserting wider implant.

7. Tip of nose is low
Tip of nose is support only by cartilage and soft tissue, so it is weaker than bridge of nose.
Therefore, if lift tip of nose only by cartilage or implant, as time goes by, tip of nose becomes lower, and changes to as parrot’s beat shape.
*method for treatment: using septal cartilage, Dr makes strong support of tip of nose, and transplant cartilage on it.

8. Problems are in injection.
In the past, people do rhinoplasty by paraffin, liquid silicon, and when the time passed, nose becomes blunt, skin becomes uneven and red.
*method for treatment: removing much injection as possible and Dr uses dermis fat to supple damaged skin.

Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery. Square jaw Botox. South Korea Plastic Surgery. Korean Boom Plastic Surgery. South Korea. plastic surgery. Korean Boom. Kpop. Re-surgery. rhinoplasty. Nose job.
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