This is the story about a woman who gets canthoplasty and eye low surgery.
Hello, I did canthoplasty and eye low surgery this time
First of all, the surgery result was awesome, I was satisfied about it.
I want to share my experience to who are concerned about the surgery,
I usually do not trust advertisement or promoting on internet. We usually called it viral marketing.
Anyway I decided to do surgery this year, and I must choose hospital.
Although I did not trust internet advertisement, I interested in Dr. Hwang who appeared in many TV programs before.
My first impression of the hospital is neat and well-organized.
The first day when I go to hospital to counsel with Dr. Hwang, I saw 4 Chinese in elevator. And they took down at as same destination as me. I think,” people from China come to get surgery, too” after coordinator’s kind counsel, I met Dr. Hwang.
Dr. Hwang’s benevolent smile and calm counsel made me trust him.
He recommend me not only Epicanthoplasty but also lateral canthoplasty and lower eyelid surgery.
He explains the reason to me: the surgery can supple shortcoming of previous later canthoplasty method, which couldn’t lower the eyelid and ligament correction.
Anyway I decided to do the surgery and the day was coming toward.
My mind was very complex until the morning. But the coordinator and Dr. Hwang make me calm down.
After surgery, head coordinator reminds me that I must be careful after the surgery.
It has been already 2 weeks since I had later canthoplasty and lower eyelid surgery. I can see my kind, and confident face through mirror.
Thank Dr, Hwang and coordinator.
I want to share my experience with who have same worries that I had before.
Korea Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery
Tel : 82 2-546-4545 , Mobile phone : 82 10-7344-5464
QQ : 2220966753 English available
Address : 2nd Floor, Sooil Building, 2-15,
Nonhyeon dong, Gangnam Gu, Seoul, Korea