
[Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery] Get to know side effects to avoid re-Rhinoplasty.

Many people do re-Rhinoplasty because they didn’t get satisfaction after Rhinoplasty.
Most surgical side effects is due to do surgery from non- surgeon, or excessive desire.

For these cases, patient should do re-Rhinoplasty to correct wrong nose’s shape.

                    Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery
Re-rhinoplasty should do after scar and infection disappear.
It is good to do re-Rhinoplasty for 6-9 months after 1st Rhinoplasty.
But depends on patient’s condition, this period may be different.

Not only for people who did not satisfied with nose’s shape, but also who have these side effect must to re-Rhinoplasty.

1.     Silicon allergy
Side effects may take place in Rhinoplasty is silicon allergy reaction.
Even safe and approved silicon may cause side effects like facial swelling or movement of surgical substances.

Surgical method

So an allergic reaction takes place, patient should do re-Rhinoplasty: take out silicon from inside of nose, and cut ear cartilage, fats, dermis or hip bone to graft

2.     Crooked nose, moved nose.

Fixed silicon incorrectly during Rhinoplasty, surgical area may be moving.
Originally, silicon should insert into lower part of periosteum which surrounds nasal bone.
Otherwise, if not fixed correctly then insert under the skin, if may move just touch tip of bulb.

Surgical method

Original structure of the nose is slightly bent, should remove the silicon, and correct nose’s position straightened, and then put silicon in balance.

3.     Can see through surgical area or become red skin.
People who have over thin skin do surgery by silicon or lift bridge of nose over high, their nose’s skin become thinner, and may see though silicon.
For these thin skins, it is better to use dermis or cartilage rather than to use autologus bone.
Sometimes, area where insert silicone implant may become red, this is because bad blood circulation and it is only for a moment.

Surgical method
Red skin phenomenon will return to original skin color after good blood circulation for a moment. However, if it maintain after certain period, patient should do re-Rhinoplasty to transport dermis, fats and cartilage to low down silicon naturally.

Korea Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery

Tel : 82 2-546-4545 , Mobile phone : 82 10-7344-5464
QQ : 2220966753    English available   
Address : 2nd Floor, Sooil Building, 2-15,
Nonhyeon dong, Gangnam Gu, Seoul, Korea

