
[Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery] Let’s do self-diagnosis facial asymmetry in Hyundaimihak Medical surgery.

Let’s do self-diagnosis facial asymmetry in Hyundaimihak Medical surgery.

What is facial asymmetry?
Facial asymmetry is face does not fit the left and right balance due to several reasons such as abnormal development of facial bones.
In fact, there is no one’s right and left is completely same, but if it is that much noticeable, one can diagnosis as facial asymmetry.
Centre line of face is bent more than 3mm and difference of height of both sides is more than 3mm.

If asymmetry is noticeable, treatment is necessary as aesthetical view and teeth malocclusion.

Then, let’s do self-diagnosis facial asymmetry.
-      Shapes of both sides of jaws are different.
-      A centre line of the face is mismatched. (Centre line of tip of nose, philtrum, and jaw is mismatched.)
-      Face is bent as C shape.
-      Height of both side of mouth is different.
-      Smiling face is asymmetry.
-      Size and position of cheekbones are different.
-      Heights of two eyes are different.
-      A centre line of front tooth is mismatched.
-      If head shape is asymmetry, one sleep on one’s back and then pillow will turn.
-      Sizes of two eyes are different.
-      Sizes of both sides of mouths are different.

Korea Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery

Tel : 82 2-546-4545 , Mobile phone : 82 10-7344-5464
QQ : 2220966753    English available   
Address : 2nd Floor, Sooil Building, 2-15,
Nonhyeon dong, Gangnam Gu, Seoul, Korea

