
[Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery][After Story] I did nose filler injection.

Since I was young, I hated my low nose, but finally I have high nose by filler injection.
I concerned a lot to do rhinoplasty, but I still fear plastic surgery
So I decided to do simple filler injection. But it was simpler and more convenient than I thought.
I don’t know this is so simple because I thought it was also a one kind of plastic surgery.
I strongly recommended filler injection to people who afraid about plastic surgery.

Korea Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery

Tel : 82 2-546-4545 , Mobile phone : 82 10-7344-5464
QQ : 2220966753    English available   
Address : 2nd Floor, Sooil Building, 2-15,
Nonhyeon dong, Gangnam Gu, Seoul, Korea

