Warped nose is by natural born or by postnatal factors.
The shape of the nose curved like S or C-shaped is because external shocks by damage to bone or septal cartilage, or the original shape of the nose is warped with shock during growth.
Warped nose is not only shape of the nose are bend, it may come with septal tortuosity. As a result, chronic rhinitis or nasal congestion symptoms of breathing discomfort, headaches and weak concentration lead a discomfort life.
Especially for students cannot study well because of poor concentration due to rhinitis or sinus infection. If your child have nasal septum deviation or have warped nose must correct warped nose for improvement of concentration.
Curved nose surgery should do curved bones and nasal septum deviation at the same time. Separate nose bridge’s bone, hard snouts cartilage, soft nose cartilage and nasal septal cartilage completely, and then reinvent it on central to prevent recurrence of curved nose.
Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery
Of the nasal septum tortuosity, if the medication is difficult to hold the septum nasal bone to the outer edge of the curved hoecheuk cartilage that moves lateral osteotomy or osteotomy surgery, and resection or re-calibration position by a combination of methods is performed.
As for nasal septum tortuosity, the medication is difficult, use surgery to hold the septum nasal bone, cut the outer edge of the curved cartilage that moves lateral osteotomy or osteotomy surgery, and resection or re-calibration position by a combination of methods is performed.
Forming multiple structures of the nose, bent at the same time to overcome the images as well as the overall unstable due to respiratory disorders such as nasal congestion and inconvenience of everyday life if you need to prepare and bent, and the nose is noticeably warped nose of the calibration, the patient depth analysis of the status and the surgical method of choice and is responsible for the progress of the physician's role is important.
Rhinoplasty specialist says that, “rhinoplasty is one of the most difficult surgeries, septal tortuosity or warped nose must get appropriate correction after accurate diagnosis, must select experienced surgeon and get surgery with aesthetic improvement and safety.”
Korea Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery
Tel : 82 2-546-4545 , Mobile phone : 82 10-7344-5464
QQ : 2220966753 English available
Address : 2nd Floor, Sooil Building, 2-15,
Nonhyeon dong, Gangnam Gu, Seoul, Korea