
[Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery] Reasons for re-Rhinoplasty.

<Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery> Reasons for re-Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is the most frequent surgery except for double eyelid surgery in the cosmetic surgeries.
This is because when meet people face to face for the first time, the most important facial components to depends beauty is eyes, and then is nose.

As frequency of rhinoplasty is high, frequency of rhinoplasty is also very high, there is a few people do re-Rhinoplasty due to side effects, most patients do re-Rhinoplasty because they could not satisfied with results.

Like all cosmetic surgeries, the ideal surgical result of Rhinoplsty is make patient’s desired and natural nose’s shape.

                       Re-surgery for Rhinoplasty
        Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery
Reasons for re-Rhinoplasty
-paraffin, silicon, Vaseline injection.
Re-rhinoplsty due to side effects of paraffin, silicon and Vaseline injections which were trends of 1970-80, and they still appear aftereffects to a lot of people.
Meet these injections in the nose are still that often, it seems as Incursion oil on paper, change the color of the paper becomes stiff while

There are still some people do this injection on their nose, these injection are like oil on paper, the color of the paper changed and becomes stiff, injections gradually seep into the skin, and skin becomes hard, solid, uneven and red.

-excessive silicone implants.
If use too thick silicon, and “L”-shaped silicon to lift nose and insert to end of nose, will bring problems like: skin becomes red because of pressure, and implants may see through because of thin skin, or bulged, deviated or frequent infections.
Tip of nose’s cartilage may be pressured, deviated or transformed to another shape, and nostrils are mismatched due to pressure.
As time goes by, these problems increased and become reasons for re-Rhinoplasty.

-Infection and blunt nose due to Allodium.
Allodium is a substance by making a person’s skin artificial and eliminating immune rejections, it is very soft and used in tip plastic surgery these days.
However, this is not a self-tissue organization and not an artificial synthetic substance, so it cause several changes and induce the formation of scar tissue in the skin.
Therefore, these days, Allodium is used for the purpose of lifting the tip of nose, and this nose soon become blunt and do re-Rhinoplasty.

-construct phenomenon.
Implants came into body inevitable create a scar inside and the nose becomes hard, solid and shrink, and this is construct phenomenon.
If this phenomenon is serious, the nose becomes short and stiff.

-improper surgical plan.
Asian nose, the nose cartilage is structurally weak and skin is thick, tip cannot stand high and bridge of nose is low, too.
In this situation, the existing procedure is to increasing some substances (such like implants) to build low part up, rather than to make straight low and sink nose by self-tissue organization to supple weak structure. Therefore, structural problem still remain even after rhinoplsty.

Korea Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery

Tel : 82 2-546-4545 , Mobile phone : 82 10-7344-5464
QQ : 2220966753    English available   
Address : 2nd Floor, Sooil Building, 2-15,
Nonhyeon dong, Gangnam Gu, Seoul, Korea

