
[Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery]Make square jaw line to smooth V- line jaw.

V-line Mandible angle resection in Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery.

Facial bone contouring surgery makes V-line jaw.
V-line facial bone contouring in Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery

Reasons for square jaw
Jaw bone is abnormally developed.
Muscles around the jaw is too much developed
Much fats.

What is the major reason for development of square jaw?
Almost 60-70% people have square jaw not because of jaw bone, but because of in hypertrophy of massester.
Then how to diagnosis development of massester by oneself is to tight one’s jaw and if you can touch and feel a lot of solid things in sharp and angled chin that means your masseter is well developed.

How to self diagnosis Mandible angle resection?
Otherwise, you look mirror and press sharp chin by thumbs, and if the half of the thickness of fingers is hidden by jaw in the mirror that means your masseter is well developed.

How to remove or reduce square jaw?
Then how to reduce masseter muscle?
The most representative methods are mandible angle Botox and mandible angle resection.  

Mandible angle injections- mandible angle Botox
It is a sort of nerve paralyzing toxin; it is diluted to safe concentration from botulinum toxin.
It balances massester muscle for a period.
However it is not permanent, so patient should repeat the surgery in 6 months.
Patient can enhance the effects of Botox by 3-4 times repeated surgery.

Mandible angle resection
The most common mandible angle resection is use high frequency and medium frequency to reduce massester muscle. It reduces the cell of massester from the origin, so it is almost permanent. And it uses tiny and special injection and it is a very simple surgery, so can back to daily life immediately.

Relationships between mandible angle resection and mandible angle Botox.
If you are maintaining effects by Botox, you are difficult to do mandible angle resection.
Generally, it is good to do mandible angle resection at least 3-4 months after Botox.

Korea Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery

Tel : 82 2-546-4545 , Mobile phone : 82 10-7344-5464
QQ : 2220966753    English available   
Skype : hyundaimihak.medical.surgery
Address : 2nd Floor, Sooil Building, 2-15,
Nonhyeon dong, Gangnam Gu, Seoul, Korea

