
[Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery][After Story] Rhinoplasty.

I feel a little shy to share my experience about Rhinoplasty.
Maybe it’s because I am still young.
Finally, I take off the tape which put on nose.
I am so exciting because I always wore mask before taking off the tape.
After taking off the tape, there still remain swelling, but as general, I am so happy that the shape and height of nose is well-looking.
My previous nose is: low bridge of nose and tip of nose was facing downward, so my friends always laughed at me about my warped and hooked nose.
But now, I will not hear anymore that my friend talk about my hooked nose.
Nose and bridge of nose become higher, and my profile becomes prettier, too.
I often take profile picture by myself, because now I am proud of my profile and nose.
I even cannot remember my previous nose and profile.
And I compared before and after picture, and they are really difference with each other.
I appreciate to Dr. after comparison with previous nose.
Thank Dr. Hwang.
I really like Dr. so my mom and I appointed immediately after consultation.
Sometimes my neighbors ask me to introduce the surgery.
Surgeon told me to visit after 15 days to see the process.
Thank you.

Korea Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery

Tel : 82 2-546-4545 , Mobile phone : 82 10-7344-5464
QQ : 2220966753    English available   
Skype : hyundaimihak.medical.surgery
Address : 2nd Floor, Sooil Building, 2-15,
Nonhyeon dong, Gangnam Gu, Seoul, Korea

