
[Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery] Good in Rhinoplastic, Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery

Standard of beautiful nose is changing. In the past, high bridge is the point, but it has moved to tip of nose. People prefer curved nose and little high tip; it helps to give cute and luxurious image.
   Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery
Nose shapes which necessary to do tip plastic surgery.

Representative nose shape which need tip plastic surgery are wide nose, low and blunt nose, snub nose and warped nose. Surgical method is different depends on patient’s favor shape and line.

Using autologous cartilage in tip plastic surgery.

It is good to use autologous cartilage to lift tip.
Tip consists by soft cartilage and it maintains its shape by little support. Therefore, it is bad to use other substances except autologous cartilage. Especially put silicon from bridge of nose to tip of nose as “I” and “L” shape is not a good surgical method. Structures and anatomical features of bridge of nose and tip of nose are different, so must do bridge and tip surgery differently.

Procedure of the surgery
1.     Take out nasal septal cartilage and ear cartilage.
2.     Incise the inside of nose; trim the cartilage to use in reconstitution of tip frame.
Taken the cartilage to make pillar, and adjust the angle and length of the pillar to design most beautiful tip point.
3.     Binds wing cartilage and implanted cartilage together, and transplant remained cartilage for luxurious shape.

Effects come from tip plastic surgery.
Beautiful nose depends on harmony with eyes, lip, and cheek. Ideal shape of nose is width of nose equals to width of eye, the position of nose is in middle of front head to jaw line, nose divided the face equally, and length of nose is 1/3 of length of face.

High tip give volume to the face and make face looks smaller. Nose neatly organize the features of face and change image to feminine.

Korea Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery

Tel : 82 2-546-4545 , Mobile phone : 82 10-7344-5464
QQ : 2220966753    English available   
Address : 2nd Floor, Sooil Building, 2-15,
Nonhyeon dong, Gangnam Gu, Seoul, Korea

