Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery- Let’s get to know about cautions for Zygoma reduction.
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Cheek bones are the largest cubic effects in facial components.
Therefore, depends on how bulged of the cheek bone, one’s image may be fierce or look older.
Ideal shape of cheek bone is bulged enough and round shape.
By Zygoma reduction can reduce the width of face, improve facial line harmonious and change to gentle and lively face.
Shape of cheek bone plays important role with shape of jaw in judging whole size and shape of face.
Therefore, patient should consider not only overall face but also jaw line, and design face with balance and harmony, and should consult with experienced surgeon.
Especially Zygoma reduction is not only cut the bulged cheek bone, it should be base on surgeon’s medical technique, because surgeon incise skin and be careful not to damage other nerve during cutting or insert the bone.
Also, Zygoma reduction use different surgical methods according to patient’s status.
And it is not a simple surgery like double eyelid surgery, so should not decide thoughtlessly because you just want to make your face smaller. Consultation with skilled surgeon is the most importance.
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