
[Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery] Rhinoplasty to fit individual images

Many people recognized rhinoplasty as the one primary surgery to be pretty.

Is rhinoplasty necessary to most people?
Conversely, people with low nose cannot be pretty, then?

It is wrong concept that high nose make you more beautiful.
We could not gain beauty from those simple concept and method.
The highest rate in reconstructive plastic surgery is rhinoplasty, because people lift their nose too high and inappropriate.
Being pretty, is well-made face with balance and harmony.
“The higher nose, the prettier face” is true only when face and high nose are harmonious.
However, people still lifted their nose imprudently; therefore they could not be satisfied with their face after surgery.

For example, lifting over high in oral protruding face or in lantern jaw will result your impression worse than before.

A person’s face, eye, nose are not important in individual; the importance is harmony and balance over whole face.

However, people judge beauty with only one component of face.
They lack of visual to see whole picture.
These wrong judgments encourage improper plastic surgery.

Although it looks no matter with the nose just after the surgery, you still don’t feel you are pretty, that means your rhinoplasty is improper in your face.
Those people cannot understand their inappropriate rhinoplasty, and they usually think it was fail rhinoplasty then go to see other clinic for revision rhinoplasty.
However, they cannot be pretty as they expected even after the revision rhinoplasty.
In fact, the problem is not in the nose.
Ear-nose-and throat doctor will know well about anatomy of nose, therefore they can do rhinoplasty very well.
Eye doctor will know well about anatomy of eye, therefore they can do eye plastic surgery very well.

However, as for plastic surgery, they cannot do well since they know well about only one components of the face.
They must have ability to identify and interpret the whole face thoroughly.
Without ability to interpret eye and nose in whole face, that plastic surgery is wrong surgery.
It is wrong to think “The higher nose, the prettier face”.
Right treatment and surgery must begin with these right conceptions.

Korea Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery

Tel : 82 2-546-4545 , Mobile phone : 82 10-7344-5464
QQ : 2220966753    English available   
Address : 2nd Floor, Sooil Building, 2-15,
Nonhyeon dong, Gangnam Gu, Seoul, Korea

1 条评论:

  1. Is it better to get fem. rhinoplasty at the same time as getting brow bone reduct? that way there is a slope effect? Or would it not matter whether it's done at the same time or not?
