Rhinoplasty which is suitable for my face
The only component which is three-dimensional in Asian face is nose.
Nose positions in central of face, and plays very important role in judging one’s image.
Therefore, from the past, people use blunt nose or sharp nose, or etc to describe one’s personality.
As aesthetic view, the ideal and beautiful Korean nose is: angle between lip and tip of nose is 95-105 degree for women, 90-95 degree for men. And width of nose should not more than 2/3 of lip, nose should be symmetry, and tip should round, but nose should be sharp.
Everyone has different face
Different nose!
Surgical method should be different
Surgical plan should be different
Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery
Customized rhinoplasty
However, the most beautiful nose is harmonious nose with overall face and shape.
Generally, people tend to think rhinoplasty only lifts bridge of nose, but it is wrong.
Bridge of nose, tip of nose and nose alar should be harmonious with each other, so as for some cases, Dr only lifts middle of the forehead, or wings of nose, and sometimes does tip plasty or alar reduction.
Rhinoplasty uses silicon, Gore-tax, cartilage, self fats, filler or Botox.
Dr does not use whole substances on one person, and after check up of patient’s intention and status of nose, and use another substance.
The most common substance is silicon, but if skin is thick, and silicon is visible, and then one can use Gore-tax.
Cartilage is used in tip plasty, but it is also used in standing bridge of nose and lengthening nose.
Injection which usually called as petit plastic surgery uses filler substances such as hyaluronic acid, collagen or Botox, and it spends minimum time during surgery.
Especially, Botox is for tip of nose is dropping too much, or correction for tip plasty without surgery, and it is a limited surgical method.
Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery. Square jaw Botox. South Korea Plastic Surgery. Korean Boom Plastic Surgery. South Korea. plastic surgery. Korean Boom. Kpop. Rhinoplasty. Nose job.
Korea Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery
Tel : 82 2-546-4545 , Mobile phone : 82 10-7344-5464
QQ : 2220966753 English available
Skype : hyundaimihak.medical.surgery
Address : 2nd Floor, Sooil Building, 2-15,
Nonhyeon dong, Gangnam Gu, Seoul, Korea