How to do re-surgery for double eyelid surgery? Everyone has different shape of eye, and some people are not suitable to have double eyelid.
To overcome such complex, many people do double eyelid surgery, and some people are successful, but some people do not get satisfaction and do re-surgery again.
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Is re-surgery for double eyelid for being pretty only?
Double eyelid is not only for aesthetical purpose, but also to improve eye’s function such as eyelashes piercing eye pupil or ptosis correction.
If people whose eyelashes do double eyelid surgery or re-surgery for double eyelid, they prevent damage of cornea and conjunctiva, and then it prevent blurred vision and eye inflammation.
This people should do complexity non-incision surgery or incision surgery for double eyelid surgery or re-surgery to prevent eyelashes piercing eye pupil.
Double eyelid is overly low.
There are many cases for re-surgery for double eyelid, and let’s get to know about overly low double eyelid first. Overly low double eyelid is not visible and noticed.
For this case, Dr should remove a part of upper skin during re-surgery for double eyelid.
People have pressure to do successful re-surgery. And they can get complete and perfect double eyelid if they check their status earlier for re-surgery.
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