Beautiful eye, plastic surgeon where good in double eyelid surgery
Whoever wants to get natural and pretty double eyelid.
These days, many people want big and cool eye even it is artificial, may because of celebrities’ effects, and then, how to make pretty double eyelid as own?
Everyone has various and different double eyelid, so suitable and proper surgical method for double eyelid is different, too.
It is good to find which the suitable method is for own, and decide surgery.
Double eyelid for long distance between two eyes
The most ideal distance between two eyes is 34-36mm average.
According to individual facial bone contouring, it has some differences, but if your distance is longer than it, you look being lack or short of.
For this case cannot gain satisfaction even doing double eyelid surgery.
Double eyelid surgery for slanting upward or downward eye
Slanting upward eye gives fierce and sharp image, but slanting downward eye gives sleepy and incompetent image to people.
The reason of slanting upward and downward eye is fixing ligament is in upper or lower, so if Dr cuts and moves the ligament, can make and correct to suitable eye.
Double eyelid surgery for mismatched eyes
It is rate that both eyes are in symmetry 100%.
There is tiny different to everyone, but if difference is definitely, one can correct by double eyelid surgery, and correct only one eye by non-incision surgery or complex non-incision surgery.
As for case, people do surgery on both eyes to make similar eye, so it is good to consult with special surgeon first and do surgery according to eye’s status.
Double eyelid surgery for eyebrows poking pupil
We used to think long eyebrows look beautiful, but if it is too long, it is rather to be harm.
If it is overly long, it may bring corneal or conjunctiva damage, or deteriorating eyesight conjunctivitis.
So if is serious, then it should be done by incision surgery, if it is not much serious, then it should be done by complex non-incision surgery.
Also thin skin and weak line may form several layers of double eyelid, then one can correct to distinct eye by the most suitable and natural double eyelid surgery.
Until now, we get to know about various proper surgical methods for double eyelid. However it is the common surgery, it also may bring side effects, so patient must do surgery in special surgeon of eye plastic surgery, and then one can get rid of risk of re-surgery.
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