
[Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery]Eye lowering surgery- eye lowering surgery corrects slanting upward eyelid.

Eye lowering surgery- eye lowering surgery corrects slanting upward eyelid.

Be free of glasses is also possible with beautiful eyes!
Beautiful eyes upgrade beauty!

Eye blink itself to protect the eyeball, and has association with factors of forehead and eyebrows.
Therefore, eye plastic surgery is the most common surgery, but it is also an important component which judges facial components, so it is also a very difficult surgery.
Eye plastic surgeries can divide into two groups: one is for making eye bigger, and the other is for removing or make wrinkles or fats.
Eye plastic surgeries which make eye bigger are, eye lowering surgery, epicanthoplasty, lateral canthoplasty, double eyelid surgery and ptosis correction. Eye plastic surgeries which remove wrinkles and fats are love band allodium and removing eye wrinkles.

Eye lowering surgery supple previous Lateral canthoplasty’s drawbacks like make eyelid facing downward, eye line correction or visible scar and suture.
Especially, when patient do lateral canthoplasty and eye lowering surgery together, can supple and adjust height of eyelid to make slanting upward and fierce eye into natural and gentle eye.
However, the risk of eye lowering surgery is also very high, so it is necessary to consult with surgeon and determine whether you are appropriate to do surgery or not.

The surgery use conjunctiva incision, make eyelid facing outside 1/3, so visible scar will not left.
And if move eyelid downward too much, it breaks ideal eye’s shape which front eye is normally high than back eyelid and can move downward by Lateral Canthoplasty. Generally, eye lowering surgery makes outside line of eye downward, but sometimes it does surgery more widely for changing the whole lower line.

It may be awkward after first 1-2 weeks after Lower eyelid surgery, but it will be natural after 3 weeks. And after 2 months, it will be corrected as patient’s desired eye line.
If patient do not prepare thoroughly before eye lowering surgery, or treat lazily, can bring undesired results. Patient can gain desired beautiful eye by detail consultation with skilled surgeon, approved medical technique and through treatment.

Korea Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery

Tel : 82 2-546-4545 , Mobile phone : 82 10-7344-5464
QQ : 2220966753    English available   
Skype : hyundaimihak.medical.surgery
Address : 2nd Floor, Sooil Building, 2-15,
Nonhyeon dong, Gangnam Gu, Seoul, Korea

