Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery- surgical method for double eyelid according to eye’s shape
Almost every plump eyelid has thick skin, muscles and fats.
Therefore, double eyelid for this eye should remove thick muscles and fats, and then correct to pretty eyes.
Eyelid-incision surgery is more appropriate to this eye than non-incision surgery.
Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery
Double eyelid formed and solved when one is tired
Eye which has thick eyelid, less fats and muscle and inner double eyelid is easily formed when one is tired.
However, the double eyelid is not permanent, and one can make natural double eyelid by non-incision surgery.
Non-incision does not incise, so swelling goes down quickly, no scar left, and can return to original eye at any time.
Short width of eye, and small and stuffy eye
Eye with Mongolian and short eye look small and stuffy.
For this case, one can do epi canthoplasty which incises inner part of eye, and lateral canthoplasty which incises outer part of eye, and then make big and cool eye.
Slanting upward eye or slanting downward eye.
Slanting upward eye may give fierce and sharp impression, and overly slanting downward eye can give long face.
For these cases, one can get kind and natural image by incision on eyelid or double eyelid.
Stuffy eye due to sunken eyelid
As grow old, skin of face and eyelid is sinking. And this sagging is not only for the old.
The young’s skin can be sagged due to weakness of elasticity. Then if removes sagged eyelid, and make double eyelid, can maintain proper elasticity and look young.
Sleepy and sunk eye
You can see this eye when people have weakness of levator muscle and ptosis.
Depends on power of levator muscle, one can change to cool and bright eye by double eyelid surgery and strength power of muscle at the same time.
Korea Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery
Tel : 82 2-546-4545 , Mobile phone : 82 10-7344-5464
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Address : 2nd Floor, Sooil Building, 2-15,
Nonhyeon dong, Gangnam Gu, Seoul, Korea