What is the ideal shape of nose for men and women?
Prominent difference between before and after!
Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery
Men prefer straight nose, and women prefer curved and lifted nose. Rhinoplasty gives charisma to men and pretty and sharp image to women. Therefore, many people get beautiful nose by rhinoplasty.
Rhinoplasty use silicon to lift low nose. Only if the bridge of nose begins from double eyelid, then one can have natural and beautiful nose. Also, people usually do tip platy together to make natural nose. It has big probabilities to get artificial nose if only one side is lifted.
Most Korean have blunt tip of nose, small tip cartilage, and thick skin.
As for open tip cartilage, surgeon lifts tip of nose by gather and tie up alar cartilage.
If tip cartilage is not developed as well, surgeon can use septal cartilage and ear cartilage to lift the tip of nose.
Rhinoplasty which lifts bridge of nose can use various surgical methods.
Open incision rhinoplasty incises bridge of nose, inserts silicon and use septal cartilage to make harmonious and beautiful nose.
Many people want to change from countrified looks to luxurious looks by rhinoplasty.
Men and women prefer different shapes of nose, so surgeon should interpret this precisely, and do rhinopalsty according to individual facial shape in harmony.
The importance for patient is, to choose trustful clinic where can put on my face. Patient can gain not only satisfaction but also don’t need to do re-surgery next time with enough consultation and careful choice.
Korea Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery
Tel : 82 2-546-4545 , Mobile phone : 82 10-7344-5464
QQ : 2220966753 English available
Skype : hyundaimihak.medical.surgery
Address : 2nd Floor, Sooil Building, 2-15,
Nonhyeon dong, Gangnam Gu, Seoul, Korea