
[Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery] let’s clear cautions of before and after double eyelid surgery!

Lets clear cautions of before and after double eyelid surgery!

Eye plastic surgery- cautions before double eyelid surgery.

1. If you had treated before or you are treating a disease, you must notice the surgeon before surgery, and take appropriate measures.

2. Patient should not eat aspirin, pill, and cold medicine for 2 weeks before surgery.
 These medicines may bring bleeding during surgery, and interpret homeostasis.

3. Patient should not take metal jewelry such as earring or necklace.
 Jewelry may be a cause of burn.

4. Patient should not eat any food for 4 hours before surgery. (Include water, juice, milk and fruits.)

5. Patient should not use eyelid tape for a week before surgery.

6. At the d-day of surgery, patient should visit clinic without makeup and lotion.
 - It is to prevent infection during eye plastic surgery.

7. Patient should visit clinic with comfortable clothes.
 Patient should prepare caps or sunglasses to shield face after surgery, and low and comfortable shoes.

8. It is uncomfortable to take contact lens after surgery, so patient should wear glasses at the d-day of surgery.

Eye plastic surgery- cautions after surgery

1. To go down swelling quickly, patient should apply ice pack for 4-5days after surgery.
Keeping surgical area cold contracts blood vessel on the eyelid and shelters small capillary’s bleeding and prevent swelling or bruise.
Patient should apply ice pack for 20 minutes and take rest for 10 minutes.
Tip: hot pack is effective for bruise; 5 days after surgery, patient should apply ice pack and hot pack alternately.

2. Patient should put one’ head higher than heart and it can prevent some swelling.
It is good to sit rather than lie down.
During sleep, high pillows are helpful to go down swelling quickly.

3. After surgery, water in surgical area may bring inflammation, so patient should wash one’s face by wet towel.
The d-day of removing stitches can wash face by water, and the day after removing stitches, patient can wash face by cleanser.
Patient is able to do shower for 2 days after surgery, during wash hair, patient should leaned back.

4. If it is needed, patient should disinfect twice a day (morning and evening) by cotton swab with peroxide.

5. Patient should avoid make up and lens for 2 weeks after surgery.

6. Patient should avoid alcohol and smoking for 1-2 months, and rubbing eyes for a month.
 - It will interpret healing wound.

Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery. Square jaw Botox. South Korea Plastic Surgery. Korean Boom Plastic Surgery. double eyelid surgery.

Korea Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery

Tel : 82 2-546-4545 , Mobile phone : 82 10-7344-5464
QQ : 2220966753    English available   
Skype : hyundaimihak.medical.surgery
Address : 2nd Floor, Sooil Building, 2-15,
Nonhyeon dong, Gangnam Gu, Seoul, Korea

