Hot trend!! Eye lowering surgery
Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery, square jaw botox, facial bone contouring surgery, south Korea plastic surgery, Korean wave plastic surgery.
Recent days, everyone who wants to do eye plastic surgery, the best thing they want is:”bigger eyes than now.” Therefore, almost all of them do double eyelid surgery, because eye looks bigger after double eyelid surgery. However, it is not true that eye gets bigger after double eyelid surgery. If there is one more line on upper eyelid, new line looks like a boundary of eye, so looks bigger by optical illusion. Except that, there are epi canthoplasty, lateral canthoplasty and eye lowering surgery in double eyelid surgery. Among this, it is important to choose suitable and right surgical method. Especially, these days eye lowering surgery brings good new to people who concerned about slanting upward eyes.
Eye lowering surgery incises inner part of conjunctiva as eyelid line, peels off the skin without bruise, connects lower eyelid and lower fascia, checks up symmetry, and sutures up conjunctiva by melting thread. Also, eye lowering surgery does partial anesthesia, and needs only 20 minutes for surgery, so people do it very much, especially it does not need to remove stitches, so good for people who want eye plastic surgery without burdens. Recovery time for eye lowering surgery is different depends on individual status, but generally people are able to return daily life(washing, make-up) after a week, eye becomes natural after 1-2 months, and scars are not visible after 3-4 months.

Eye which has not space for lateral canthoplasty is dent eye, if do eye lowering surgery excessively on this eye, surgical part will see red skin, so looks more artificial. However, when people do lateral canthoplasty and eye lowering surgery together, can maximize the effects. Also, if people failed about lateral canthoplasty, people can prevent lateral canthoplasty to suture up with lateral canthoplasty and eye lowering surgery, so more and more people do lateral canthoplasty and eye lowering surgery together.
Korea Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery
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Nonhyeon dong, Gangnam Gu, Seoul, Korea