
[Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery] special hospital for eye lowering surgery without scar.

Special hospital for eye lowering surgery without scar.

Beautiful eye
Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery
I will give you kind and cool image by eye lowering surgery.

Eye lowering surgery is called by various names,
But only the names are different, but the effects of surgery are same.

It lengthens the height of eye as out corner of eye, and makes eye looks kinder and bigger.
It incises through conjunctiva, knots the muscle under the eye. And because it incises through conjunctiva, scar is not visible.

Such as eyelid-incision surgery, surgery which incises under the eye can leave visible scar, and its recovery is slow. So patient should do eye lowering surgery which does not leave scar, after enough consultation with special surgeon.

If you have complex on fierce slanting upward eye,
How about complete kind and soft image by eye lowering surgery?

Eye lowering surgery becomes natural after 2-3 weeks, and after 1-2 weeks, it settles down smoothly.

The right way for patient is to consider the most appropriate surgery with special surgeon before choosing which surgery.

Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery. Square jaw Botox. South Korea Plastic Surgery. Korean Boom Plastic Surgery. eye plastic surgery. eye lowering surgery.

Korea Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery

Tel : 82 2-546-4545 , Mobile phone : 82 10-7344-5464
QQ : 2220966753    English available   
Skype : hyundaimihak.medical.surgery
Address : 2nd Floor, Sooil Building, 2-15,
Nonhyeon dong, Gangnam Gu, Seoul, Korea

