Let’s get kind image by epi canthoplasty in Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery.
I want to be beautiful like actress!
In last few years, if you want to get big and beautiful eye, almost every people thought double eyelid surgery only.
However, these days, not only double eyelid, people do eye line correction, too.
That means more and more people do eye line surgery (epi canthoplasty, lateral canthoplasty).
Especially, as physiognomic view, eye line surgery can make better impression than double eyelid surgery. And these days, many people have difficulties in job employee, and they can make kind and gentle eye by eye line surgery.
Eye line surgery such as epi canthoplasty and lateral canthoplasty, spends short time only, and need only a week to return to daily life.
People who required doing surgery
- Short width of eye
- Short distance between two eyes and stuffy eye.
- Want to do eye line correction, but worry about scar
- Want longer and cooler eye
- It can apply to every shape of eye regardless of double eyelid.
Surgical method
-we can simply think epi canthoplasty to extent begin of eye, but people who have long distance between two eyes can shorten the distance, and smooth the edge of eyelid to make kind eye like a cow’s eye.
Lateral canthoplasty is for people whose eyelid is facing downward or slanting upward, and also it corrects it to kind eye and makes eye bigger.
Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery. Square jaw Botox. South Korea Plastic Surgery. Korean Boom Plastic Surgery. eye plastic surgery. epi canthoplasty. Lateral canthoplasty. Eye line.
Korea Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery
Tel : 82 2-546-4545 , Mobile phone : 82 10-7344-5464
QQ : 2220966753 English available
Skype : hyundaimihak.medical.surgery
Address : 2nd Floor, Sooil Building, 2-15,
Nonhyeon dong, Gangnam Gu, Seoul, Korea